Saturday, 7 May 2011

Outfit post, and some random musings.

Poised for the leap!

Sssooooomy Beth dress arrived during the Easter holidays along with my parents! Of course it had to be worn immediately. Excuse my scary face in this photo, I'm planning the cold murder of those crêpes in front of me while trying to concentrate posing for the photo. You can be certain I attacked soon as the camera went away. 

Sitting at Cafe Paris again btw.

Apologies for the quality of pictures, I still haven't mastered the self-timing functions of this camera.

I've always found it charming to see bloomers peek out under the skirts, especially with ruffly styles such as this. I know this idea is not shared by many and that it likely looks better on younger people, but sometimes I still like to try it (eventually I did go without them though). I tend to feel similar about petticoats peeking out from under the hem: as long as it looks deliberate and the petti has a pretty hem it tends to be a-OK in my book, and the same goes for the bloomers: it looks nice to me as long as it looks like the person wearing them is deliberately showing them (as opposed to whoops petti sneaked out).

Outfit rundown:

OP and hat:  Beth - Victorian Maiden
Socks: Innocent World
Shirt: fleamarket find
Bloomers: offbrand
Shoes: Fornarina

The cardigan in the top photo is also a fleamarket find btw.


  1. Kiitoksia! Tästä saattaa tulla yksi tämän kesän suosikkeja, mikä hämmentää kosken ole pitkään aikaan juuri pukeutunut vaaleanpunaiseen.

  2. Ihana mekko! Tahtoo! Mieki tykkään joissain tapauksissa, kun bloomersin pitsit vähän vilkkuu.

  3. Muuten kyllä mutta tuoksahtaa aika voimakkaasti joltain kemikaalilta. Onneksi haju on nyt jo kuitenkin hälvennnyt melkeen kokonaan.
    Lolita on siitä vinkeä tyyli että siinä on tiukat säännöt, mutta parhaat pukeutujat on niitä jotka rikkoo niitä onnistuneesti! En lue itteäni kyllä siihen joukkoon, tarkotan lähinnä sanoa että oon nähny uskomattoman hienoja asukokonaisuuksia missä ne on ihan tarkotuksella jätetty näkyviin.
