Friday, 1 July 2011

A collection of the past couple of days.

I'm giving you all a short break from Iceland travelling stuff and just posting some loli things of interest instead. Skirt and headpiece selfmade, rest flea market finds, Dinsko etc.

This is Ice Cream Cafe Paris. I think I can recommend it, especially on hot days! As ice creams go, it's very simple: a scoop of chocolate, strawberry and vanilla, whipped cream and chocolate sauce + random decorations of which some are edible and some are not.

Aaaand Thurdsday's outfit, dress, underskirt and headpiece selfmade - it's the same headpiece again, just worn differently - the rest flea market and shoes from Hagkaup that aren't that blue in reality, wtf. This is also me deciding to fuk ur sht up yo. 

Oooooh and this. It was waiting for me when we got home from the camping trip. Creepy eh? :D? Would you feel any better if I told you it's a card from Cinnamonhusky being wild all over the continental Europe? No?


  1. Nättejä asuja ja OI tuo jäätelö *q*

  2. Kiitosta kiitos! Ja vaik onkin aika klassinen annos, niin islantilainen jäde on tosi hyvää ja siihen päälle kaikki noi lisukkeet, om nom nom...

  3. Rakastan tota ekaa asua ja hei onks toi se Aerosmith mekko?

  4. Kiitoksia, ja onhan se, hyvin tunnistettu! XDDDDDD Se on jopa nähny Aerosmithin konsertin!
