Tuesday 25 June 2013

Green yukata and a light pink stripy obi.

You know how some items of clothing suddenly become your favourite? Especially when they're linked to something? This is my current one - the green yukata, for sunny yet cool days. If it's really hot I'd rather got for the blue and white one since it's a bit lighter. I'm not feeling like wearing kimonos at all at the moment because there just is something about the easiness of a yukata and summer days, the combination feels relaxing.

Backside. I improvised the musubi based on another one that I saw somewhere on the internet, which mimicked a folding fan, but I figured a rose could be just as easy. I'm not taking credit for it though, it's very likely I'm not capable of re-inventing the wheel (or a very generic looking knot for obi). :D

Close-up of the musubi.

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