Thursday 31 March 2011

7. Most used item?

These boots by Bodyline.

These Dinsko heels that I decorated a bit. They've seen a lot of Helsinki and now they're seeing Reykjavík. To prove it, just look at the date on that photo!


The H. Naoto Blood long butterfly skirt and that black long skirt in the other photo. I got the H. Naoto as a gift from Mr. T, and it's since been in much use. The other I bought from Morticia a looooooong long time ago and it's since served many aristocratic needs as well.

This hat. Look closely and you'll see how I make it match whichever outfit I'm currently wearing. Ignore the Snorrimochi, he's just planning to nick my ribbon, that little thief.

This shirt. It's a fleamarket find and perfect for almost anything and everything. The hat look any familiar to you btw?

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