Monday 13 June 2011

The girl who saw puffins.

An outfit from the day of the puffin trip, for some reason I forgot to post it back then. As you see, Icelandic summer fashion is all about layers unless you're as tough as the local girls who Will Show Skin no matter if it's an arctic hurricane outside. No kidding, that's how you can tell I'm not a native: I'm the only one whose clothes almost always cover the body from throat to knees, often more. I'd like to say it's a personal style choice or something cool like that, but sadly the real reason is at least 50% of me being a wuss about the weather.

Some side pics to better show the hair thingy. It's the same I was wearing in this post, except that this time I'm wearing it differently.


  1. Rakastan tätäkoordia. Oon aika jelly tosta takista, oon yrittäny löytää samansuuntaista jo pitkään (alle 300 euron hinnalla lol).

  2. Hitsi, täällä toi takki oli kai jotenki muodissa jokunen vuos sitten ja lopputuloksena sen löytää eri väreissä kirpparilta melkeen joka kerta. Lohdutukseksi voin sanoa et toi hakaskiinnitys tossa edessä on aika hankala, tarttuilee vaatteisiin ja huonekaluihin eikä ees mee kunnolla kiinni asti (tai sit mulla on suurempi vatsamakkara kun sallittua, mistäs sen tietää).
