Saturday, 31 March 2012

Outfit post, like I'm wont to do.

JSK: LJ nick xkahax
Bonnet: Mrs. Parker's Millinery and Mercantile
Ring: pressie from le Marty
Everything else: random randomness once more. I do love myself some of that.

I finally received this dress! The long wait was no fault of the sender, but the customs who insisted in keeping it for about a week before it was finally delivered (they asked me for receipts on a Thu and I got the dress on the Thu following). I may be slightly in love with the dress and might also be ordering more from this seller, who knows; this piece is wonderful in design, print and structure. A proper review will follow shortly with as many photos as I can fit in it. This reminds me I still need to do a review of that bonnet as well...


  1. Todella ihana mekko... *drool*

    1. Niin onnnn! Ja todella mukava päällä!

  2. Thank you, I'm trying to be worth that dress!

  3. Sait siis sen bonnetin viimein?

    1. Itse asiassa se saapui jo kuukausia sitten, vaikka kyllähän sillä silloinkin oli rapsakan puolen vuoden tilausaika! :D Sama bonetti:
