Monday, 23 September 2013


A recent kitsuke with my new hattifattener obidome. 

One thing I love about autumn is all the colours of it. In Iceland this period is very short, so I always feel like it's important to enjoy it to the full. Take photos of the most beautiful colours, stop and admire them, wear something that resembles the surroundings - little, meaningless things, but if I missed them I'd feel like I just missed the best part of a whole season.

Btw I'm also wearing Moomin socks. :3

Admittedly though to me the idea of "the best part of the season"does not follow strict four season code. I'd say it goes more like this:

Start of the year - best thing: EXPLOSIONS FIREWORKS YES YES YES.
Late winter - best thing: air smells like melting snow.
Spring - best thing: walking with the winter coat open.
Early summer - best thing: bringing out all the light coloured thin cotton summer clothes, packing away the wool.
Summer - best thing: a really hot and dry day, the smell of hot asphalt.
Late summer - best thing: the nights that are cooling down, although they're still warm.
Early autumn - best thing: the colours!
Autumn - best thing: wool clothes, knitting, turning into a hermit indoors.
Early winter - best thing: mulled wine. :3

Here's a close-up on the obidome.

Currently we're living the part where leaves have just begun to turn colour. I'll have about two weeks time now to enjoy them, bring out the rest of my winter clothes, pack away the summer ones since they're hardly useful from now on (besides I love to change the entire wardrobe based on the season) and watch as the seagulls leave and the ravens arrive to towns. Time also to start preparing spiced vodka, since some spices take a month to properly leave their flavour. Looking forward to you, autumn!


  1. Ihan pakko sanoa, että
    a) sun asut ovat aina aivan käsittämättömän ihania. Sekä lolitaan liippaavat, vanhanaiksaiset kuin kimonoasutkin.
    b) rakastan sun bannereita! ne ovat niin hullun parhaita! :D Muistan vieläkin sen yhden, jossa heittelet jotain päätä. :D Harmi ettei tullut tallennettua.

    1. Kiitoksia ja kiitoksia! Pitäisi varmaan joskus huvikseen kerätä kaikki tähänastiset bannerikuvat yhteen entryyn tyyliin "käytän ehkä liikaa aikaa bannereiden vääntämiseen". :D
