Friday, 14 November 2014

LBC: A Comfy Lolita Outfit.

Another one for Lolita Blog Carnival! This week's theme is A Comfy Lolita Outfit, and since most of mine are not I jumped for the chance. Then I began to think what, in fact, makes a lolita outfit comfortable to wear.

First of all it would mean nothing that would cause discomfort, obviously. No corsets, fake lashes (though I wear those rarely anyway), wigs, shoes that are hard to wear. Icelandic current weather conditions considered it would have to be something warm enough but not too warm either, because while outdoors is chilly indoors it's saunatime. Finally, it would still have to answer to the lolita theme so I couldn't relax too much.

This is what I managed to put together. The dress is actually on the loose side, only tightened around the waist with a belt. Shoes are good for walking and waterproof, the latter is a very important thing here right now (it's a minor storm outside as I write this). The capelet provides warmth, as does the hat, and though wigs were out of the question I could still use some extensions, teasing and my fake fringe to create a low maintenance haphazard braid. Stick on a hairclip and there we go!

It actually was quite comfortable both outdoors and indoors! The only thing I can complain about is that in the end there just is no coord that could battle the weather properly... onwards for blooper pics.


Did I mention it was also raining? I had a cover for the camera but there's nothing to stop horizontal rain.

Got sprayed in the face by said rain at exactly the wrong moment. :P Iceland why

Detail shot + my "I fully regret wearing lip gloss and having my hair partially open in high wind" -smile.

Other blogs partaking in this theme:

Outfit rundown:

JSK, capelet, hair clip: selfmade
Shirt, shoes: vintage
Hat: Fox Cherry
All else: offbrand


  1. Love your coordinate here! <33 The print on the JSK is super cute~

    1. Thank you for the nice comment! I agree on the print, I fell in love with it the moment I saw it... it had to become a dress. :)

  2. Oi, muistan vielä hämärästi tuon mekon jostain kaukaisesta menneisyydestä! Se on niin ihana :)

    Oletko muuten jatkanut shampoottomuusprojektiasi? Joskus viime helmikuussa postattuasi siitä innostuin itse enkä ole sen koommin shampooseen koskenut. Aivan loistava päätös! Hiukset ovat kepoisemmat ja voivat paermmin.

    1. Tämä mekko on itse asiassa aika uusi, mutta luulen tietäväni, mitä mekkoa saata ajatella - se oli tehty samalla kaavalla ja printti oli keltainen. Ja tietenkään en löydä siitä kuvaa nyt kun etsin ärs ärs... ainoa ero on, että se oli aika paljon pienempi (pullahdin). :D Kiitosta kuitenkin!

      Olen jatkanut. Tällä hetkellä pesen hiukset kerran viikossa joko todella laimennetulla shampoolla tai ruokasooda + sitruunanmehu yhdistelmällä. Ne eivät rasvoitu sen nopeammin, ja tuntuvat vahvemmilta. Väitän jopa, että ne kasvavat nopeammin, vaikka tämä voi olla ihan toiveajatteluakin... voisikin tehdä taas uuden postauksen aiheesta "missä ollaan nyt".
