Monday, 25 April 2011

Travelling the lava fields again.


  1. Aivan kuin maiseman värit olisi maalattu mekkoosi, upeaa! :)

  2. I love the layering in your outfit! The first photo is my favourite, I think it's very atmospheric.

  3. Aie: camololi? :D? Kiitoksia, jännä juttu sinänsä koska en tajunnut sitä itse ennenkuin sanoit! Heheh, onneksi on valkoiset sukat tai olisin IRL haamuloli.

    Sapphira: layers, they are my best friend in this climate. Just... now we're getting more snow, wow. I won't get used to this weather any time soon I'm afraid.
    I also like that particular photo a lot, all credit for photography goes to Mr Snu!
