Wednesday 21 May 2014

Summer house under a glacier.

Last weekend we traveled again, this time to Úthíð summer cabins. Great times were had, I managed to unwind my brain quite well after the grueling last stretch of the BA thesis and soaked myself a long time in a hot tub. The weather was amazing for most of the time - I mean behold:

These pics were all taken near Þingvellir that we passed on our way. Úthlíð is further north from Þingvellir, a little below Langjökull.

Here's the summer house. Almost brand new, looking quite different from the older cabins of the area.

A view over the valley from our terrace. This pic has been taken really late in the evening so the colours are a little odd, and by the way it hardly got darker than this the whole night...

Awww yeaaahhhh a hot pot! Thus called cause the Icelandic name of it translates as "hot pot". A bit similarly you hear people calling radiators "ovens" here.

We went walking around the area and found this little stream in the forest. Well, found and found. Snu knew it was there, he's spent numerous summers at Úthlíð as a child.

Water seemed very clear. Would have been interesting to walk upstream a bit but it was late and we were already planning a long walking tour so...

A ghost shack: legend says this was built for a dead man, at his request, by his son. It was in straight view from our cabin but I must say that he was an exceptionally quiet and well-behaved neighbour.

Horsies! :3

It's a rain cloud. :O

More horsies!

Also cows. :3

We visited a local farm that sold selfmade ice cream, milk from their own cows.

These ones for example.

Again on the road, now on our way back home.

A little turf shack near Þingvellir.

Þingvellir however was really cold and windy. Quite a big difference to the earlier sunshine. Here's the drowning pond where female criminals were apparently executed (the crime in question was getting preg out of wedlock).

Hovermode: on.

This goose just didn't care.

S says that the newest season of GoT was partially shot here!

Another goose. One day we'll settle our score, goose. One day.

The Þingvellir area keeps changing in subtle and then not-so-subtle ways. Here used to be a dirt road leading on top of the hill: about a year ago the side of it collapsed a little and was fenced off. Following that the rest of it fell down as well and a bridge had to be built over the drop.

The view from on top of the hill to the valley below.


We're planning more traveling this year so except lots of touristy photos this year. We also did a small photoshoot at the cabin - more about that when I get the photos suitably edited. :D

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