Thursday, 13 October 2011

I love to knit.

Sssso. Like promised on the chat yesterday today's entry is for knitted stuffs.

I love knitting and every autumn means a good excuse to go absolutely wild with knitting needles. Lately I've finished one capelette, one hood and two hats, and this entry will mainly show them all (except for the capelette that's still lacking buttons).

Side view, front view, I'm a mouth breather.

The first hat is a pixie-style bonnet. It took me roughly one day to make and it was everything I want for one day project: it was easy, fast to make and had an interesting pattern. A note to self though: when taking photos, avoid chatting jokingly with bystanders, you'll end up looking like a cross-eyed twerp and that's only the best photo you get.

Some more photos to better show the hat+hood combo.

Even more photos of the hood. I found out it's water proof which was certainly awesome when I was walking home in a storm after the dance class.

I already posted some photos of this hat before but here it is again in more detail. Also a one day project.

Toiler mirror shot go go! :D 

All patterns are from Ravelry, an awesome site full of patterns of all kinds, which I warmly recommend for all of you who like knitting and/or crocheting. I'll warn you though, the place is highly addictive and you'll be browsing for more patterns instead of doing whatever it is you were supposed to do instead, like your beygingarfræði homework!


  1. Hei!

    Ihania neulottuja juttuja! Ajattelin vaan kysästä että mikä ravelryn kaava sulla oli tolle hupulle? En löydä jostain syystä sitä.. varmaan väärä hakusana tai jotain. :) Pitää ihan ehdotomasti tehdä tollanen itelle. :D


  2. Kaava on Alassë Míriel ja löytyy täältä:

    Se oli tosi hauska projekti ja lopputulos näyttää väkisin imartelevalta päällä. Turhan lämmin se ei ole, joten villasta kannattaa tehdä jos yhtään eristystä toivoo. :D Muutenkin Jane Victorian kaavat ovat ihania, suosittelen!
